Why Would Someone Like You Know Anything About Body Image?

“I’m keeping my calm, and then I EXPLODE.”
In this interview, I talked about how lingering feelings about your pregnancy, birth & breastfeeding experiences can impact your transition into motherhood & your early relationship with your baby, triggering feelings of anger & rage much faster……Oddly, something I didn’t mention in this interview is how common it is to have feelings of anger & rage when you don’t have enough support, when you’re feeling alone, and when your baby constantly cries for what seems like no apparent reason.

Mom Burnout - Do I Have it? And What Can I Do About It?
When you start to notice that you’ve been feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, forgetful, frustrated, low motivation, irritated easily, finding it difficult to maintain boundaries, or more simply put… struggling to care for yourself and/or your family… it’s time to start implementing strategies to help you to overcome burnout.

“I Don’t Need Therapy, I Don’t Have Any Problems!”
This past week of self-reflection reinforced & expanded my awareness of just how important I am and just how imperative it is that I hold and nurture that anxious inner child of mine and put her above everything else.

Why You Need Self Care to Create Community Care
Very few people have the luxury of receiving “community care” without first taking the time to build up that community and practicing direct communication so that people actually know what they need and want. Why? Because very few people are mind-readers which means that very few people will actually know what you need or want unless you tell them.

Burnt Out? Follow These 5 Steps Without Adding On Anything Extra!
Feeling too burnt out to do anything to stop yourself from feeling burnt out? If this sounds like you…

MOM-GUILT: Where Does It Come From And What Can You Do About It?
Regular guilt that you feel in excessive amounts for everything you do and do NOT do while living life as a MOM. “Why do moms carry so much guilt?” This question comes up a lot!

Are You Giving Your Power Away?
Are you giving your power away? One of the biggest underlying causes of anger & rage is feeling powerless or out of control.
If this resonates with you, consider how often you are giving your power away to other people in your life, and when this results in feelings of anger or rage.

I am Free

This is Good - A Strong, Empowering Home Birth
“This is good” I whispered to myself as each wave came, getting progressively stronger (at last!) I was at 40 weeks and 4 days, and after 8 weeks of prodromal labour, it was finally “it”

Reduce Your Anxiety With This Simple Strategy
So many people I know, particularly mothers, don’t eat breakfast; and the reason is: “I’m too busy!” Well I’m here to tell you that YOU are worth prioritizing. When you don’t make time for yourself and your basic needs, you’re not the only one who suffers - your family does too.

Yes. I Have Anxiety. How Did I Not See It Before?
I used to shake almost constantly. I would lay in bed every single night going over the details of day and regret so many things I said and did. I would try to imagine what I could’ve done differently and I would plan ahead as far as I could in my mind.

Is It Dangerous To Feel My Anger?
Here’s the thing: so many of us have been conditioned to believe that anger is BAD… but the reality is that we ALL feel anger from time to time, and that’s okay!

People Pleasing - Is It Worth It?
A lot of my clients right now are noticing an internal struggle when they place other people’s needs and wants before their own, when they silence themselves for the sake of others, being careful not to “rock the boat”… but there’s no winning. Maybe other people think that they get what they want, but what happens to you, and what happens to your relationships?

Dear Anxiety: I Want to Break Up With You
Understanding our emotions is so important to be able to manage our emotions effectively and not get overwhelmed by them. Although…. sometimes our emotions are so powerful that the idea of this can feel overwhelming itself! Exploring your emotions more deeply needs to be done cautiously so that it feels manageable and doesn’t make your anxiety worse!

Reclaiming Your Identity & Releasing Guilt in Motherhood
Who feels like you’ve lost a part of yourself in motherhood, and carry too much guilt? Watch this video below to learn what I think about “Mom-Guilt”, why you don’t need to be feeling it all the time and how learning to release it will help you in connecting with your authentic self and reclaiming your identity.

Shhhh…. Let’s Not Talk About Our Body Image Issues
Learning to LOVE your pregnant/post-partum body can be difficult, especially in a society that capitalizes off of shaming women’s bodies. If you feel like you focus a lot on your appearance, weight, or size, read on!

But it’s Normal, Right? Part 1: Postpartum Bodies:
Often when we claim that something is “normal”, it can trigger feelings of powerlessness... or make us feel defeated or like we won’t be able to change. It can also create acceptance, which is positive in many situations (normalizing, decreasing shame,etc!) , but you don’t have to just accept that you will be uncomfortable and dissatisfied with your body because you’re a mama now.

But Isn’t it Normal to Have Body Image Issues When My Body is Changing?
Many would argue that body image issues in the peri-natal period are "normal" and that there is nothing else going on; but if there was truly nothing else going on, then a woman would be able to notice and accept the changes to her body instead of becoming concerned or pre-occupied with the changes.

Feeling OVERWHELMED? 4 Tips to Survive the Holiday Season!
This time of year can bring many mixed emotions. It is often full of frequent gatherings of family, friends & colleagues, which can come with ups and downs. Making time for seeing everyone and attending or hosting events, and financial stressors alongside preparing for Christmas itself (if you celebrate Christmas), thrown in with all of your usual daily responsibilities can become extremely overwhelming for families. Below I've listed 4 tips to help you cope with what is overwhelming you this holiday season: Setting limits, asserting yourself, respecting your boundaries and prioritizing self-care.