“I’m keeping my calm, and then I EXPLODE.”
In this interview, I talked about how lingering feelings about your pregnancy, birth & breastfeeding experiences can impact your transition into motherhood & your early relationship with your baby, triggering feelings of anger & rage much faster……Oddly, something I didn’t mention in this interview is how common it is to have feelings of anger & rage when you don’t have enough support, when you’re feeling alone, and when your baby constantly cries for what seems like no apparent reason.

Is It Dangerous To Feel My Anger?
Here’s the thing: so many of us have been conditioned to believe that anger is BAD… but the reality is that we ALL feel anger from time to time, and that’s okay!

Post Partum Rage
If you are reading this, you have probably felt rage, intense anger or frustration since becoming a mother. Post-partum rage can be unexpected, out of context, uncharacteristic and uncontrollable (Robin Farr, Post-Partum Progress).