“I Don’t Need Therapy, I Don’t Have Any Problems!”
This past week of self-reflection reinforced & expanded my awareness of just how important I am and just how imperative it is that I hold and nurture that anxious inner child of mine and put her above everything else.

I am Free

Yes. I Have Anxiety. How Did I Not See It Before?
I used to shake almost constantly. I would lay in bed every single night going over the details of day and regret so many things I said and did. I would try to imagine what I could’ve done differently and I would plan ahead as far as I could in my mind.

People Pleasing - Is It Worth It?
A lot of my clients right now are noticing an internal struggle when they place other people’s needs and wants before their own, when they silence themselves for the sake of others, being careful not to “rock the boat”… but there’s no winning. Maybe other people think that they get what they want, but what happens to you, and what happens to your relationships?

Reclaiming Your Identity & Releasing Guilt in Motherhood
Who feels like you’ve lost a part of yourself in motherhood, and carry too much guilt? Watch this video below to learn what I think about “Mom-Guilt”, why you don’t need to be feeling it all the time and how learning to release it will help you in connecting with your authentic self and reclaiming your identity.

What’s So Great About Workshops?
I am always so excited when I create workshops to be able to share information about topics I am passionate about, and helping others to foster self-awareness and take steps towards their goals.

My 3 Favourite Strategies for Managing Anxiety
Some common presenting symptoms of anxiety are: short of breath, racing heart, shaking/trembling hands, sweating, difficulty concentrating or focusing, feeling lightheaded, feeling restless or on edge, difficulty sleeping, worrying and racing thoughts. Do any of these sound familiar? READ ON!

Authenticity & The Essence of You
The changes that I was making in my life were in light of a new awareness of how self-destructive my codependent behaviour was. As I gained self-awareness and worked through the root causes of my codependent tendencies, I began to live more authentically.