Dear Anxiety: I Want to Break Up With You
Understanding our emotions is so important to be able to manage our emotions effectively and not get overwhelmed by them. Although…. sometimes our emotions are so powerful that the idea of this can feel overwhelming itself! Exploring your emotions more deeply needs to be done cautiously so that it feels manageable and doesn’t make your anxiety worse!
Reclaiming Your Identity & Releasing Guilt in Motherhood
Who feels like you’ve lost a part of yourself in motherhood, and carry too much guilt? Watch this video below to learn what I think about “Mom-Guilt”, why you don’t need to be feeling it all the time and how learning to release it will help you in connecting with your authentic self and reclaiming your identity.
Shhhh…. Let’s Not Talk About Our Body Image Issues
Learning to LOVE your pregnant/post-partum body can be difficult, especially in a society that capitalizes off of shaming women’s bodies. If you feel like you focus a lot on your appearance, weight, or size, read on!
But it’s Normal, Right? Part 1: Postpartum Bodies:
Often when we claim that something is “normal”, it can trigger feelings of powerlessness... or make us feel defeated or like we won’t be able to change. It can also create acceptance, which is positive in many situations (normalizing, decreasing shame,etc!) , but you don’t have to just accept that you will be uncomfortable and dissatisfied with your body because you’re a mama now.
What’s So Great About Workshops?
I am always so excited when I create workshops to be able to share information about topics I am passionate about, and helping others to foster self-awareness and take steps towards their goals.
An Empowering Birth
This past summer, I gave birth to my second child after an exhausting (to say the least!) pregnancy. I now have a new level of awareness as this experience has altered my view once again on pregnancy, birth, and motherhood. I’m sharing this story to create more awareness around how being an active decision maker in your pregnancy, birth and postpartum period greatly influences your ability to have a positive experience through these stages.
My Summer of Prodromal Labour
“Prodromal labor is a type of labor that happens prior to the onset of full active labor...the contractions are real but they start and stop. So basically, it is real labor in terms of pain, contractions, and regularity but it comes and goes.” (Source:
This past summer, I gave birth to my second baby....after 6 long, exhausting, unbearable weeks of prodromal labour.
But Isn’t it Normal to Have Body Image Issues When My Body is Changing?
Many would argue that body image issues in the peri-natal period are "normal" and that there is nothing else going on; but if there was truly nothing else going on, then a woman would be able to notice and accept the changes to her body instead of becoming concerned or pre-occupied with the changes.
Being a Counsellor: Rewarding or Exhausting?
It takes a lot of conscious and deliberate energy to maintain strong boundaries to be able to show up for my clients and be present for them, and then to end that session to be present for the next, and to wrap my day up and be present for myself and my family; and yes I do hear sad and difficult stories, but nothing feels better than being able to walk alongside my clients in their journeys of self discovery and being able to support them as they make awe-inspiring progress and overcome the obstacles and barriers in their lives.
Feeling OVERWHELMED? 4 Tips to Survive the Holiday Season!
This time of year can bring many mixed emotions. It is often full of frequent gatherings of family, friends & colleagues, which can come with ups and downs. Making time for seeing everyone and attending or hosting events, and financial stressors alongside preparing for Christmas itself (if you celebrate Christmas), thrown in with all of your usual daily responsibilities can become extremely overwhelming for families. Below I've listed 4 tips to help you cope with what is overwhelming you this holiday season: Setting limits, asserting yourself, respecting your boundaries and prioritizing self-care.
3 Ingredients for an Empowering Birth
Who doesn't want an empowering birth experience? The steps that you will take leading up to your birth are so important - not only for the birth itself but also for your transition into the post-partum period.
How Did I Get Here? (A Tribute To My Birth Doula)
Jessica's support during my pregnancy and labour helped my husband and I to create an incredible birth experience for ourselves, and along the way, she also inspired me to start my own counselling practice focusing on supporting women leading up to their births and in the post partum period.
Post Partum Rage
If you are reading this, you have probably felt rage, intense anger or frustration since becoming a mother. Post-partum rage can be unexpected, out of context, uncharacteristic and uncontrollable (Robin Farr, Post-Partum Progress).
Nobody Should Suffer Alone Through Pregnancy Loss
Grief comes in waves, and impacts us all in different ways... Anger, Denial, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance are the 5 Stages of Grief (outlined by Elisabeth Kubler Ross). Your experience with grief won't necessarily happen in that order, and each stage might look different for the varying losses you experience in your life. One aspect of Denial and Bargaining is SHOCK. When we are in shock it can feel impossible to even comprehend what is going on for us, never mind talk about it!
Getting Your Body Back After Baby - Not What You Might Think
The truth is, your body will never be the same as it was before you got pregnant. Your body has grown and birthed a human being, and your body is now caring for that human being! Your body will go through many changes as it adjusts through these monumental stages of life. Will you fit back into your old jeans? Maybe. Maybe not.
My 3 Favourite Strategies for Managing Anxiety
Some common presenting symptoms of anxiety are: short of breath, racing heart, shaking/trembling hands, sweating, difficulty concentrating or focusing, feeling lightheaded, feeling restless or on edge, difficulty sleeping, worrying and racing thoughts. Do any of these sound familiar? READ ON!
Guest Post: Grief in the Transition into Motherhood
I never even thought this was a possibility until I was sitting in a room with Jen, who you will meet below having this ah-ha moment. About 6 months after having my second baby I started to feel really anxious. I was getting frustrated easily, I was checking out often, I was becoming short with my loved ones, I was angry and overwhelmed. I really was not feeling myself. I started to wonder if postpartum anxiety was creeping in. After several weeks of feeling not good I followed my gut and sought some professional help because navigating all of these feelings seemed like a lot for me to manage on my own with 2 small kids. And I can tell you it’s one of the BEST things I’ve done.
Authenticity & The Essence of You
The changes that I was making in my life were in light of a new awareness of how self-destructive my codependent behaviour was. As I gained self-awareness and worked through the root causes of my codependent tendencies, I began to live more authentically.
Workshops: What to Expect
en's workshops can be used as either a boost to your current therapy, as an introduction to these topics or for those who are not ready or unable (or not interested!) to commit to regular therapy.
I’m Not Good Enough
That inner critic - it shows up when we least expect it sometimes. Even when we feel like we've moved past something, it can have a way of sneaking in to remind us we have more work to do. My inner critic's voice often tells me that I'm not good enough. This was triggered for me this past week somewhere that I did not expect it to - during my prep for a busy bag exchange.